Covering history's most marvelous millennium
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Covering history's most marvelous millennium
Covering history's most marvelous millennium
The sinews of war are infinite money, so the Hospitallers basically never had enough. Propaganda, then, was a useful means to increase their income.
Tending to the sick was quintessential to the Order of the Hospital, but how did Hospitaller healthcare actually work in an age before modern medicine?
The Knights Hospitaller started with an infirmary in Jerusalem but soon formed an extensive network throughout medieval Europe, comparable to a modern NGO.
Both the Holy Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire claimed to be the true "Roman Empire". Which state best claimed Rome's legacy?
How did the Roman Empire lose the West? Learn about upstart Goths, disloyal Lombard and insolent Franks - all working with and against a court in Constantinople that was waging war on many, many fronts.
When a fully-fledged Timurid army swoops into India with tens of thousands of horsemen and camels, only to be met with armored war elephants, death and devastation are sure to follow.