About Us

Bored of books? Weary of Wikipedia? Sick and tired of thin content like “5 medieval facts you didn’t know”?

Then you’ve come to the right place!

Medieval Reporter strives to bring you well-researched and to-the-point articles, guides and reviews. Marvelous medieval matters, richly illustrated, in a format that you can consume in a matter of minutes.

The Reporters

Simon Duits

Simon Duits

Founder & Editor

History buff,
avid reader,
castle siege expert.

Graduated with a MA degree in History in 2015 CE.

See archive

Pablo Vega Figueroa

Pablo Vega Figueroa

Writer & Contributor

Nerdy rock guitarist,
Cold War aficionado,
Richard the Lionheart’s fan.

Graduated with a BA degree in History in 2020 CE.

See archive




To present historical information in a way that the uninitiated reader can make sense of it, too. There’s a wealth of medieval knowledge to be discovered that we’d like to share with all comers.

Real Engagement


To present historical information in a way that most historians would agree upon or – when that’s not the case – to present the ongoing scientific debate regarding the issue at hand.

Unique Stories


To present historical information in a way that not only covers the political and military ramifications of an event, but also provides a perspective on societal and economic effects.

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